Located at the end of Roosevelt Square, the major commercial and entertainment center of Greenbelt, MD, the Weaver's Guild will be a place of interaction between the master craftsmen and the public. The building is asked to create a new image for the art and profession of weaving. Packed into 4000 sf, the program consists of a library, a gallery, an event space, offices and a loom loft.
_the site
Greenbelt, Maryland
_the solution
This scheme, entitled The Slip, utilizes the one-story grade change at the end of the square to create an overlap between public and private. Enclosed by a wood-louvered wall system, the private zone cantilevers out over the public space of the green below. The gallery, a logical extension of the adjacent loggia projects beyond the envelope and into the public realm. An aluminum skin that wraps the primary structural frames extends down over the entry and peels back to receive the lower level. The gridded landscaping of the public green reaches into the event space over which the louvered wall system hangs.

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