Remembering is a dynamic event where the time and space of a singular event becomes distorted according to its perceptual importance. Phrases such as, "time flys when you're having fun" are a reflection of this distortion. The memory of a four year academic experience is full of such distorted memories and can be reflected in the archtitecture of an facility dedicated to the alumni of Johns Hopkins University. Here, the regular rhytym of the organizing and structural frames is distorted by the significant spaces in the same way that significant events warp the time and space of ones memory.
_the site
Johns Hopkins University; Baltimore, MD
_the solution
The building acts as a threshold for both the immediate physical context as well as the conceptual context of one mediating between his/her identity as a student and an alum. Sited in the in-between spae between the University proper and the alumni-oriented Decker Gardens. The path between these two zones passes through the building, allowing it to subtly act as an extended transition between a student and alumni experience.

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